Life too often rushes by. It can feel like it’s running away with us – ‘happening to us’ rather than us really living it! Does that sound familiar? Whether in our home lives or work lives we rarely have the time to step back, to breathe, to notice, to be kind to ourselves and perhaps, along the way, discover different ways of being. And yet, if we want to unlock thriving for ourselves and those around us – in our teams, our homes or our workplaces – it’s something we desperately need.
How would it be to ‘step out of the traffic’ for a while? To step into a safe place with others who see, respect and affirm you. Where you can discover new tools and practices to equip you to do life better.
That’s what Courage to Thrive Step out of the Traffic Workshops provide…
Step out of the Traffic Workshops can be tailored to different settings and situations – equipping us as individuals in our local communities, in our teams and workplaces and as local changemakers. Wherever they occur, they aim to:
- Build self-care, self-compassion & self-esteem through tools & practices
- Help us notice where we have choices & learn to set goals to do things differently – to identify our values & find ways to proactively live in line with them
- Learn to live and communicate more authentically through exploring appropriate boundaries & developing our assertiveness & our right to say ‘no’
- Build resilience both in us as individuals and as communities
We each have habits and coping mechanisms which have built up over years, maybe over a lifetime. Sometimes these serve us well, but sometimes we have outgrown them and would be better served by new habits. Lasting change begins with baby steps – one little thing at a time. And we need each other – we are designed to work in community. Step out of the Traffic Workshops set us in these communities which could lead on to Courage to Thrive Coaching Circles helping us embed these habits with others who will journey with us way beyond the life of the workshops.

Whatever the context, each Step out of the Traffic Workshop includes space for:
- self-nurture, self-care and an invitation to change how we view ourselves
- being seen and heard – spaces facilitated to help you feel valued and safe*
- stories from ourselves and elsewhere to inspire & call out courage in us
- content and attention to details which say ‘you matter’ – beauty, poetry, art, creativity, mindful noticing and an absence of rush*
- self-reflection and practical application – what do I choose to do differently?
- introduction to goal setting & use of tools & practices we can use in daily life
*inspired by Nancy Kline’s 10 Components of a Thinking Environment
Courses are usually made up of five 2.5 hour sessions run on a weekly basis, although can be tailored to your context. Regular Step out of the Traffic Workshops are currently being delivered by Donna Bold through a local single parent support network & local food banks. We’re keen to expand this work to offer workshops in workplaces, education & health contexts & other community settings. Do get in touch if you’d like to partner with us in making that happen or find out more about workshops in the local area for yourself – we’d love to hear from you!
It has taught me life-changing tools. I can already see them making changes in my life.
Have the courage to do this, it’s worth it. A safe place, gentle kindness, wonderful for personal awareness and growth, to feel loved and nurtured and to have fun too.
DO IT!! It’s scary to take the first step but you will not regret it, the craft activities are so refreshing and thought provoking, the tools you learn along the way are invaluable and the support and love around you though the course is unbelievable.