Support for Changemakers

Calling out Courage: A journey beyond COVID

You may be relieved to know that this is not about COVID!  It is, instead, an invitation to a journey of noticing what there may be to learn through the experience we all lived through.  What 2020 brought with it was unbelievable on so many levels.  None of us could have predicted the unprecedented events brought on by the onset of the pandemic and all that has happened since.  It was an interruption.  Whilst our personal experiences of this time were unique to each of us, there was no opt out clause to living through strange and frightening times.  We were all impacted.

From early 2020, I was captivated by a persistent question:

What if there are unexpected & hopeful possibilities to be found amidst the mess for those with the courage to search?

For those willing to slow down and notice.  To have the courage to dig into the learnings.  To see things they’d rather not see, to feel the uncomfortable feelings, to explore what that might mean for them, and to have the courage to take bold action as a result.  What if…?

That question led me on a curious quest, which culminated in the development of a resource offered as a gift to help you to dig into your own learnings:  Calling out Courage: A journey beyond COVID.  It is perhaps only now, having emerged from the shock and disruption of it all, that we can find space to reflect.  The video gives a bit more detail.  If you’re intrigued and long to ‘compost’ some of the goodness which could be ours, the resource is yours to download here free of charge.

It’s offered with love, in service of inspiring people like you.  We have within our grasp the potential to make a difference, and that takes courage, vision and community.  May you enjoy and be changed, and may you in turn use it to bring about change in your little bit of our tired yet beautiful world.

Support for Changemakers:

Are you someone who sees something wrong at a local, national or even global level and just wants to bring about change?

Perhaps you are:

  • a dreamer trying to pull others together to sort out a challenge in your local community – you have an idea but don’t know where to begin?
  • a social entrepreneur throwing all your energy behind an issue you feel passionately about?
  • someone wanting to bring about change through an organisation, but you’re disillusioned by the realities on the ground and wonder if you can really make a difference?

Then whether you know it or not you are a changemaker and we’d love to support you!  Thank you for caring enough to even think about pursuing the change you seek. It is courageous and remarkable.  And it can be lonely, frustrating and financially and emotionally challenging! Lots of changemakers get overwhelmed and struggle to keep going, or become hardened and cynical from the challenges along the way and risk losing heart.  Many of us shut down our ideas before they even get spoken into the world.

The word courage has as its root the French word ‘coeur’ for heart – we need to stay in touch with our heart if we are to pursue our vocation as changemakers with true courage.  To do that well we need each other, we need encouragement (that word courage again!) and we need spaces to step back and reflect. Some risk stepping out of formal employment, or working beyond the established system, and that too can be lonely.  If any of this is you, we want to invest in you, because however big or small your dream is, you are human, so you need support.  Trying to be super isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!


Here at Courage to Thrive we have a number of tools that can be adapted to support changemakers. Take a look at our Step out of the Traffic Workshops, our Coaching Circles, our One-to-One Coaching and our Facilitation pages. All of these can be adapted specifically to support you in your role as a changemaker.  The Calling out Courage: A journey beyond COVID resource may provide a catalyst for change for you – you can download it for free here.

Courage to Thrive exists primarily to support those in the Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole conurbation to unlock thriving. As a changemaker we want to support you for your own sake, and because we have a hunch that by supporting you we will in turn support lots of others through you…

©2025 Courage to Thrive Community Interest Company


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